Give What You Have
“There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?” - John 6:9 NKJV
Have you ever given much thought to the little boy who brought his lunch with him to hear Jesus? We don’t know very much about him, do we? We know he was a “lad” (Greek: child). We know he had a lunch of five loaves and two fish. And we know that he apparently let Andrew know about his lunch. But we don’t even know his name!
My Grandaddy taught me that you never run out of food when you’re feeding people. Always make more than enough! I’ve carried that teaching with me my entire life and encouraged others to have the same mindset. But the reality is, sometimes you don’t have enough. Sometimes, the food runs out before the crowd, the money runs out before the month, and the situation looks hopeless.
This little boy didn’t have much, but he made what he did have available to Jesus. Jesus took that little lunch and fed 15-20,000 people, with food left over!
This story leads me to the following thoughts:
Give whatever you have to Jesus (time, talent, treasure)
Trust that He can make it more than enough (there were 12 baskets left over!)
Watch your faith grow as He works
Place it in His hand and watch Him do more than you can ever imagine!
Father, The needs are great, but You are greater. Thank You for everything You have given me. I give it back to You now, and pray that You will take it and multiply it for Your kingdom and glory. All praise to You, King Jesus. Amen.